Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another poem by me :)

The Elements

Earth is hard,
Cracked and dried in the air
You are standing on top of it,
No matter where!

Water is smooth, 
It falls from the sky
It takes many different forms...
But no one knows why!

Air is all around us, 
It's always right here
The wind brings the sounds
Through space, to your ears!

Fire is bright,
With different colored flames
It provides you with light,
And helps to give you sight!

So the earth makes up our bodies, 
We drink water that falls from the sky
Our lungs breathe the air
While fire gives us the spark of life!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A VERY Special Week

Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I last posted, so I decided to come back on tonight... And this post is ESPECIALLY special!!! You see, this week is Mitochondrial Myopathy Awareness Week...

I think most of you on my blog know what Mitochondrial Myopathy is  -- but just in case, let me explain! Mitochondrial Myopathy (aka Mito) is a genetic disorder that keeps your mitochondria in your cells from working properly. The mitochondria, sometimes called the "powerhouses" of your cells, are in charge of creating ATP, which is basically energy. When they stop working, you just don't get as much energy as your body needs.

Mito isn't super common... but not super rare, either. While the odds of you ever being diagnosed with Mitochondrial Myopathy are only about 4000 to 1, there are almost 10 friends that I can think of that have Mito. So, the odds of you (or someone in your family) being diagnosed aren't impossible, even if they aren't probable.

It's nice to think you probably won't ever be diagnosed with Mito.... but once you enter that world, it's impossible to leave. When you know for certain that you are a person who has Mito in them, everything changes. Everything you do, or say; anyone you meet -- it will never be the same. Ever. And when you think about it... do you have Mito, or is it the Mito that has you? It can be so hard to tell sometimes. It's like, your life doesn't belong to you anymore. You aren't who you used to be. And there's no going back.

The bad news? Well, there's no cure! So far, no one has been able to come up with a treatment that permanently gets rid of Mito. The good news? Every year, we raise more money, and tell more people -- and we know that it is all going towards finding a cure. After all, anything is possible! So my mom, and my dad, and my sister, and my brother, and all of my 13+ cousins, and my aunts, and my uncles, and grandparents..... We all go and find someone we know (sometimes, even someone we don't know!) and tell them about Mitochondrial Myopathy. More people are becoming aware, and meanwhile there are still scientists and doctors working together, to try to help me, help you, help us... By finding a cure.

P.S. Tomorrow, I'm doing a whole presentation on Mito for my Social Studies class. Everyone in class has to come up with something on the news, or something they think is news-worthy, and present it to the whole class. And the topic I picked was Mitochondrial Myopathy Awareness Week! VERY nervous. Feel free to open the attachment and read through my presentation, and tell me what you think! :) Well, if I can get the thing to attach, anyways!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Lights

Hey everyone,
So, the other day, I was trying to write a poem.... I thought up as many rhyming words, but none of them seemed to really fit my mood. But then yesterday, inspiration hit!!! This is what I got:

The Lights
When my head is filled with the rolling thunder,
Sometimes I cannot help but wonder:
Is everyone's life full of pain?
Full of this lightning, and all of this rain?
Is having your head filled with the storm
Truly everyone else's norm?

But then I think of what is mine, 
And the sun comes out and starts to shine.
The things I love, they are real and true!
My old life changes to something new.

I want to be a guiding light,
I will stand out from others, and shine so bright!
Friends, follow me -- I can show you what's true;
I will help you decide what you can do!
You may choose to be another helpful light,
One that is hopeful and one that is bright.
I can help you wipe away the rain,
And lose all the lightning and all of the pain.
So follow me, we will know what to do:
We will find out ourselves what is real, what is true!!

I hope you enjoyed reading this... and I would love it if you shared it with some of your friends! If each of us read this to just one other person, and they shared it with one of their friends... Think of how many people would get this special message.